臺北醫學大學 公共衛生學院 院長
臺北醫學大學 公共衛生學系 教授
陳怡樺 (Yi-Hua Chen)
(02)2736-1661 分機6528
臺北醫學大學 公共衛生學院 院長
臺北醫學大學 公共衛生學院 公共衛生學系 教授
美國約翰霍普金斯大學 (the Johns Hopkins University, USA)
公共衛生學院 心理衛生學系 精神流行病學組 博士 (Ph.D)
美國約翰霍普金斯大學 (the Johns Hopkins University, USA)
公共衛生學院 心理衛生學系 碩士
科技部 生科司公衛與社會醫學學門之學門召集人 (2018/1-2020/12)
科技部 學術倫理審議會委員 (2020/5-2022/04)
科技部 生命科學研究發展司『社會醫學學門—公衛及環境醫學學科』複審委員 (2012、2014、2015、2017、2021)
科技部 科技政策規劃與評估支援系統建置─生醫科技與新農業組專家 (2021-)
衛福部 衛生福利資料統計應用管理審議會委員 (2018/7-2022/7)
衛福部 「衛生福利資料統計應用管理審議會」統計發展組委員(2018/7-2022/7)
衛福部 「衛生福利資料科學中心」申請案件複審作業之外部專家 (2018/7-2022/7)
衛福部 「菸害防制及衛生保健基金審議小組」第4屆委員 (2020/1-2021/12)
衛福部 自殺防治諮詢會第1屆委員 (2019/8-2021/8)
衛福部 衛生醫療及社會福利政策推動諮詢小組委員 (2019/3-2021/12)
衛福部《衛生福利年報》編輯委員 (2019/1-2020/12)
衛福部《衛福季刊》編輯委員 (2019/1-2022/12)
衛福部 心理健康促進諮議會第二屆委員 (2017/2-2018/12)
衛福部/教育部 健康促進學校國際認證中央認證委員 (2014/01-2018)
教育部 「大專校院學校衛生訪視計畫」訪視/輔導委員 (2010-2017)
考選部 110年公共衛生師考試審議委員會委員 (2021)
考選部 應考資格審議委員 (2020-)
考選部 公務人員高普考試典試委員 (2014、2017)
訪問學者(Visiting Scholar) the Johns Hopkins University, USA (2012)
研究計畫 (僅列近十年之計畫)
- 08/2022-07/2025 [國家科學及技術委員會] 整合孕產期追蹤資料發展兩到五歲注意力缺失軌跡模型:早期生物標記與行為環境因子之預測效應為何? (111-2314-B-038 -043 -MY3)—主持人
- 08/2022-07/2025 [國家科學及技術委員會] 以早期偵測與尖端醫療提升腦性麻痺患者的發展與生活品質 (111-2314-B-038 -097 -MY3)—共同主持人
- 08/2022-07/2023 [國家科學及技術委員會] 睡眠健康對老人衰弱的長期影響: 來自台灣和美國的證據 (111-2314-B-038 -054 -)—共同主持人
- 01/2022/12/2022 [教育部深耕計畫] 社會心理環境與衝動/注意力缺失症狀之早期神經生物標記關聯:整合多元健康數據進行風險評估 (DP2-111-21121-01-N-02-01)
- 01/2021-12/2021 [教育部深耕計畫] 導入智慧型睡眠評估系統探討嬰幼兒睡眠對神經發展軌跡影響 (DP2-110-21121-01-N-05-01)
- 01/2020-12/2020 [教育部深耕計畫] 開發結合表徵型、環境型與行為型之多模態資訊平台預測滑世代幼兒神經發展—整合型計畫總主持人
- 10/2019-12/2020 [衛福部國民健康署] 108-109年大專校院學生健康行為調查計畫 ---協同主持人
- 01/2020-12/2020 [科技部] 109年度科技部公衛與社會醫學學門規劃研究推動計畫(MOST 109-2312-B-038-001-)—主持人
- 01/2019-12/2019 [教育部深耕計畫]滑世代幼兒的神經發展危機:以親子世代追蹤探討睡眠、多媒體使用、空氣污染與重金屬危害之影響 (DP2-108-21121-01-N-12-01)—整合型計畫總主持人
- 08/2019-07/2022 [科技部] 滑世代幼兒期親子睡眠與晝夜節律追蹤研究-整合智慧型資料探討3C產品使用與孕產期相關因子影響效應(MOST 108-2314-B-038 -083 -MY3) —主持人
- 01/2019-12/2019 [科技部] 108年度科技部社會醫學學門規劃研究推動計畫(108-2312-B-038-001-)—主持人
- 01/2018-12/2018 [科技部] 107年度科技部社會醫學學門規劃研究推動計畫(107-2312-B-038-001-)— 主持人
- 02/2018-12/2018 107年度「老人心理健康調查委託科技研究計畫」採購案---協同主持人
- 01/2018-12/2018 [衛福部國民健康署] 菸害防制政策之國際合作研究計畫-107年後續擴充 —協同主持人
- 12/2017-12/2018 [衛福部國民健康署] ICT於國人健康監測暨個人健康風險評測與健康管理之應用—協同主持人
- 05/2017-12/2017 [衛福部國民健康署] 菸害防制政策之國際合作研究計畫 ---協同主持人
- 08/2016-07/2019 [科技部]懷孕至產後六年雙親正負向心理健康之長期追蹤研究:嵌入病例對照研究探討子代發展落後之影響因子(MOST 105-2314-B-038 -031 -MY3) —主持人
- 08/2016-07/2019 [科技部] 母體早期睡眠剝奪跨世代衝擊之轉譯研究-母體睡眠障礙與子代健康之關係:次級資料庫與世代追蹤研究(MOST 105-2314-B-038-076 –(105年度)、MOST 106-2314-B-038-005 –(106年度)、MOST 107-2314-B-038-003 –(107年度)) —共同主持人
- 08/2017-10/2018 [科技部]應用地理資訊系統評估空氣污染對兒童發展及呼吸道健康之影響:大台北地區長期追蹤研究(II) 106-2119-M-038-002—共同主持人
- 08/2016-07/2017 [科技部]應用地理資訊系統評估空氣污染對兒童發展及呼吸道健康之影響:大台北地區長期追蹤研究(MOST 105-2119-M-038-005)(學門:空間資訊整合應用技術)—共同主持人
- 01/2017-12/2019 [衛福部國民健康署] 青年世代健康行為長期追蹤研究計畫(項目編號E1051023)—協同主持人
- 02/2017-12/2017 106年度「老人心理健康調查委託科技研究計畫」採購案(採購案號:M05B4312)—共同主持人
- 07/2016-12/2016 105年度「老人心理健康調查委託科技研究計畫」採購案(採購案號:M05B4312)—共同主持人
- 02/2015-12/2015 [衛福部心理及口腔健康司] 104年度「國民心理健康調查計畫(第1年)」—主持人
- 09/2014-12/2016 [衛福部國民健康署] 青年世代健康行為長期追蹤研究計畫(科技編號: MOHW103-HPA-H-114-113716)—協同主持人
- 08/2013-07/2016 [國科會] 改變母親孕產期憂鬱焦慮對嬰幼兒生心理健康發展之負面衝擊:探討父親參與及正向情緒心理介入的影響效果(NSC 102-2314-B-038 -038 -MY3) —主持人
張歆祐 陳怡婷 陳怡樺 台灣低憂鬱孕產婦正向心理因素初探(Preliminary study on the positive psychological factors of pregnant and postpartum women with low depression in Taiwan) 中華心理衛生學刊(TSSCI) (2/3/2022接受刊登)
Yi-Hua Chen, Hung-Yi Chiou, Hsin-Yi Wang, Kuo-Hsuan Chung. Sex differences in the associations between psychological symptoms and tumor necrosis factor-alpha levels among obese and nonobese children aged 6-13 in Taiwan. Journal of Affective Disorders. (2022/09/21 accepted; 2021 IF=6.533 SCI, 29/212=13.7% in Clinical Neurology)
Wanda Estinfort; Jian-Pei Huang; Heng-Kien Au; Chen-Li Lin; Yi-Yong Chen; Hsing-Jasmine Chao; Ling-Chu Chien; Yu-Chun Lo; Yi-Hua Chen* Effects of prenatal subjective well-being on birth outcomes and child development: A longitudinal study. European Psychiatry (2022/10/10 accepted, 2021 IF=7.156 SSCI, 27/142=19% in Psychiatry)
Kao, C. S., Wang, Y. L., Jiang, C. B., Chuang, Y. C., Chen, Y. H., Hsi, H. C., & Chien, L. C. (2022). Associations of maternal food safety-related risk perceptions and protective behaviors with daily mercury intake and internal doses of Taiwanese women and their preschool children. Environmental Research, 212, 113344.
Zou, M. L., Jiang, C. B., Chen, Y. H., Wu, C. D., Lung, S. C. C., Chien, L. C., ... & Chao, H. J. (2022). Frequent occurrence of respiratory symptoms in children is associated with exposure to air pollution, land use types, and parental mental health in the Greater Taipei area. Environmental Research, 206, 112567.
Lin, L. Y., Chien, Y. N., Chen, Y. H., Wu, C. Y., & Chiou, H. Y. (2022). Bullying experiences, depression, and the moderating role of resilience among adolescents. Frontiers in public health, 10.
Kao, C. S., Wang, Y. L., Jiang, C. B., Chuang, Y. C., Chen, Y. H., Hsi, H. C., & Chien, L. C. (2022). Associations of maternal food safety-related risk perceptions and protective behaviors with daily mercury intake and internal doses of Taiwanese women and their preschool children. Environmental Research, 212, 113344.
Zou ML, Jiang CB, Chen YH, Wu CD, Candice Lung SC, Chien LC, Kallawicha K, Yang YT, Lo YC, Chao HJ. Frequent occurrence of respiratory symptoms in children is associated with exposure to air pollution, land use types, and parental mental health in the Greater Taipei Area. Environmental Research Environ Res. 2021 Dec 18;206:112567.
Motsa, M., Chiou, HY. & Chen, YH. Association of chronic diseases and lifestyle factors with suicidal ideation among adults aged 18–69 years in Eswatini: evidence from a population-based survey. BMC Public Health 21, 2245 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-021-12302-6
Chen, C. H., Chen, P. Y., Chen, C. Y. A., Chiu, C. C., Lu, M. L., Huang, M. C., ... & Chen, Y. H. (2021). Associations of genetic variants of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase and serum folate levels with metabolic parameters in patients with schizophrenia. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(21), 11333.
Shih, P., Wu, C. D., Chiang, T. L., Chen, P. C., Su, T. C., Cheng, T. J., Chen,Y.H. & Guo, Y. L. (2021). The association between postpartum depression and air pollution during pregnancy and postpartum period: a national population study in Taiwan. Environmental Research Letters, 16(8), 084021.
Zou ML, Jiang CB, Chen YH, Wu CD, Candice Lung SC, Chien LC, Kallawicha K, Yang YT, Lo YC, Chao HJ. Effects of air pollution, land-use type, and maternal mental health on child development in the first two years of life in the Greater Taipei area. Environ Res. 2021 Apr 12;197:111168. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.111168. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33857463.
Nkoka, O., Chuang, T. W., & Chen, Y. H. (2021). Influence of Maternal Exposure to Malaria Social and Behavioral Change Messages and Effectiveness of Communication Media on Bed Net Use and Malaria Infection in Malawi. Health Education & Behavior, 48(2), 179-189.
Santri, I. N., Jiang, C. B., Chen, Y. H., Wu, C. D., Zou, M. L., Chien, L. C., Lo, Y. C. & Chao, H. J. (2021). Associations of birth outcomes with air pollution and land use characteristics in the Greater Taipei Area. Science of the Total Environment, 750, 141579.
Wiratama BS, Chen PL, Ma ST, Chen YH, Saleh W, Lin HA, Pai CW. Evaluating the combined effect of alcohol-involved and un-helmeted riding on motorcyclist fatalities in Taiwan. Accid Anal Prev. 2020 Aug;143:105594. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2020.105594. Epub 2020 May 28. PMID: 32474168.
Santri IN, Jiang CB, Chen YH*, Wu CD, Zou ML, Chien LC, Lo YC, Chao HJ. Associations of birth outcomes with air pollution and land use characteristics in the Greater Taipei Area. Sci Total Environ. 2020 Aug 11;750:141579.
Nkoka O, Chuang TW, Chen YH.* Influence of maternal exposure to malaria social and behavioral change messages and effectiveness of communication media on bed net use and malaria infection in Malawi. Health Education & Behavior. (Health Educ Behav. 2020 Oct 23;1090198120964201. doi: 10.1177/1090198120964201. Online ahead of print. SSCI)
Nkoka O, Chuang TW, Chen YH.* Effects of malaria interventions during pregnancy on low birth weight in Malawi. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Am J Prev Med. 2020 Dec;59(6):904-913. doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2020.05.021. Epub 2020 Nov 18. SCI.)
Wang HY, Huang JP, Lin CL, Au HK, Chen YH.* Paternal influences from early pregnancy to postpartum years on child development: a longitudinal study. J Affect Disord. 2020 Oct 1;275:23-30. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2020.06.018.
Atmadani RN, Nkoka O, Yunita SL, Chen YH*. Self-medication and knowledge among pregnant women attending primary healthcare services in Malang, Indonesia: a cross-sectional study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2020 Jan 16;20(1):42. (SCI)
Chung KH, Chiou HY, Chang JS, Chen YH.* Associations of nitric oxide with obesity and psychological traits among children and adolescents in Taiwan. 2019 Dec 1. Pediatr Obes. 2020 Mar;15(3):e12593. (SCI)
Nkoka O, Chuang TW, Chen YH*. Effects of insecticide-treated net access and use on infant mortality in Malawi: A pooled analysis of demographic health surveys. Prev Med. 2019 Aug 6;127:105790. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2019.105790.
Nkoka O, Chuang TW, Chen YH*.Multilevel Analysis of Factors Associated with Treatment-Seeking Behaviors among Caregivers with Febrile Children in Malawi. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2019 Jun;100(6):1454-1465. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.18-0900. (SCI)
Gao W, Sanna M, Branston JR, Chiou HY, Chen YH, Wu A, Wen CP. Exploiting a low tax system: non-tax-induced cigarette price increases in Taiwan 2011-2016. Tob Control. 2019 Jun 4.
Chien YN, Gao W, Sanna M, Chen PL, Chen YH, Glantz S and Chiou HY.* Electronic Cigarette Use and Smoking Initiation in Taiwan: Evidence from the First Prospective Study in Asia. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Mar 30;16(7).
Owen Nkoka; Ting-Wu Chuang; Yi-Hua Chen. Amultilevel analysis of factors associated with treatment-seeking behaviors among caregivers with febrile children in Malawi. American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2019 Apr 15. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.18-0900.
Chen YH, Huang JP, Au HK, Chen YH.* High Risk of Depression, Anxiety, and Poor Quality of Life among Experienced Fathers, But Not Mothers: A Prospective Longitudinal Study. J Affect Disord. 2019 Jan 1;242:39-47. (SCI, SSCI)
Nkoka O, Chuang TW, Chuang KY, Chen YH*. Factors associated with insecticide-treated net usage among women of childbearing age in Malawi: a multilevel analysis. The Malaria Journal. 2018 Oct 19;17(1):372. doi: 10.1186/s12936-018-2522-z. (SCI).
Gao W, Sanna M, Chiu YW, Chiou HY, Chen YH, Wen CP, David TL. Tobacco control within and beyond WHO MPOWER: outcomes from Taiwan SimSmoke. Tob Control. 2018 Nov 5.
Nkoka O, Chuang TW, Chuang KY, Chen YH*. Factors associated with insecticide-treated net usage among women of caregivers in Malawi: a multilevel analysis. The Malaria Journal. 2018 Oct 19;17(1):372. doi: 10.1186/s12936-018-2522-z. (SCI).
Nkoka O, Chuang TW, Chen YH*. Association between timing and number of antenatal care visits on uptake of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria during pregnancy among Malawian women. Malar J. 2018 May 25;17(1):211. doi: 10.1186/s12936-018-2360-z. (2016 IF=2.715, ranking=3/19=15.8% in TROPICAL MEDICINE, SCI.)
Gao W, Sanna M, Huang LL, Chiu YW, Chen YH and Chiou HY. Juggling Two Balls—Smoking (Re)Normalization and Harm Reduction: E-Cigarettes—Facts and Misconceptions in Taiwan. (Commentary) Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 2018 (DOI: 10.1177/1010539518773479)
Chien YN, Chen PL, Chen YH, Chang HJ1 Yang SC, Chen YC, Chiou HY. The Taiwan Adolescent to Adult Longitudinal Study (TAALS): Methodology and Cohort Description. Asia Pac J Public Health. 2018 Mar;30(2):188-197. doi: 10.1177/1010539517754017. Epub 2018 Jan 23.
Weng SC, Chang JC, Yeh MK, Wang SM, Lee CS, Chen YH.* Do stillbirth, miscarriage, and termination of pregnancy increase risks of attempted and completed suicide within a year? A population-based nested case-control study. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. BJOG. 2017 Dec 20. (SCI)
Chung KH, Chiou HY & Chen YH.*Associations between serum homocysteine levels and anxiety and depression among children and adolescents in Taiwan. Scientific Reports. Sci Rep. 2017 Aug 21;7(1):8330. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-08568-9. (SCI)
Lin WC, Chang SY, Chen YT, Lee HC, Chen YH.* Postnatal paternal involvement and maternal emotional disturbances: The effect of maternal employment status. J Affect Disord. 2017 Sep;219:9-16. (SCI, SSCI)
Weng SC, Huang JP, Huang YL, Lee SH, Chen YH*. Effects of Tobacco Exposure on Perinatal Suicidal Ideation, Depression, and Anxiety. BMC Public Health. 2016 Jul 22;16:623. doi: 10.1186/s12889-016-3254-z. (SCI.)
Wei PL, Lin HC, Kao LT, Chen YH, Lee CZ. Diabetes is associated with perforated appendicitis: evidence from a population-based study. Am J Surg. 2016 May 7. (SCI.)
Weng SC, Chang JC, Yeh MK, Wang SM, Chen YH*. Factors influencing attempted and completed suicide in postnatal women: A population-based study in Taiwan. Scientific Reports. 2016 May 12;6:25770. doi: 10.1038/srep25770. (SCI.)
Alibekova R, Huang JP, Lee SH, Au HK, Chen YH*. Effects of smoking on perinatal depression and anxiety in mothers and fathers: a prospective cohort study. Journal of Affective Disorders. Journal of Affective Disorders 193 (2016) 18–26. (SCI.)
Lu ML, Wu YX, Chen CH, Kuo PT, Chen YH, Lin CH, Wu TH. Application of Plasma Levels of Olanzapine and N-Desmethyl-Olanzapine to Monitor Clinical Efficacy in Patients with Schizophrenia. PLoS One. 2016 Feb 5;11(2):e0148539. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0148539. eCollection 2016.
Chung KH, Chiou HY, Chen YH.* Psychological and physiological correlates of childhood obesity in Taiwan. Scientific Reports. 2015 Nov 27;5:17439. doi: 10.1038/srep17439. (SCI.)
Chung KH, Hu CM, Chen YR, Chiou HY, Chen YH.* Biological correlates of psychological states among young children: a cross-sectional examination of roles of aspartate transaminase/alanine aminotransferase, insulin, and cytokines. Chinese Science Bulletin. December 2014, Volume 59, Issue 35, pp 5102-5112. 2014, 59(35):5102-5112. (SCI.)
Kao LT, Chen YH, Lin HC, Chung SD. Prescriptions for category D and X drugs during pregnancy in Taiwan: a population-based study. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2014 Oct;23(10):1029-34. (SCI.)
Lin HL, Lin HC, Chen YH*. Psychiatric Diseases Predated the Occurrence of Parkinson's Disease: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Ann Epidemiol. 2014 Mar;24(3):206-13. Epub 2014 Jan 1. (SCI.)
Alibekova R, Huang JP, Chen YH*. Adequate prenatal care reduces the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes in women with history of infertility: a nation-wide population-based study. PLoS One. 2013 Dec 17;8(12):e84237. (SCI.)
Su CY, Lin HC, Cheng HC, Yen MF, Chen YH, Kao SY. Pregnancy Outcomes of Anti-Hypertensives for Women with Chronic Hypertension: a population-based study. PLOS One. 2013;8(2):e53844. Epub 2013 Feb 6. (SCI.)
Weng SS, Chen YH, Lin CC, Keller J, Wang IT, Lin HC*. Physician Characteristics and Prescription Drug Use during Pregnancy: A Population-based Study. Annals of Epidemiology. Ann Epidemiol. 2013 Feb;23(2):54-9. (SCI.)
Liu SP1, Lin CC, Lin HC, Chen YH, Yu HJ. Association between schizophrenia and urinary calculi: a population-based case-control study. PLoS One. 2013;8(3):e56942. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0056942. Epub 2013 Mar 7. (SCI.)
Keller J, Wu CS, Chen YH, Lin HC. Association between Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Chronic Periodontitis: A Population-based Study. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. J Clin Periodontol. 2013 Feb;40(2):111-7 (SCI.)
Chen YH, Keller J, Kang JH, Lin HC. Obstructive Sleep Apnea and the Subsequent Risk of Depressive Disorder: A Population-based Follow-up Study. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 2013 May 15;9(5):417-23. (SCI.)
Chung SD, Chen YH, Keller J, Lin HC. Urinary Calculi Increased Risk of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: A Nationwide Study. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2013 Jan;92(1):69-74. (SCI.)
Chen YH, Keller J, Wang IT, Lin CC, Lin HC. Pneumonia and Pregnancy Outcomes: A Nationwide Population-based Study. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2012 Oct;207(4):288.e1-7. Epub 2012 Aug 17. (SCI.)
Chen YH, Chen YK, Keller J, Lin HC.* A Population-based Case-control Analysis of the Association between Herpes Zoster and Erectile Dysfunction. Journal of Infection. J Infect. 2012 Aug;65(2):150-6. 2012 Mar 8. (SCI.)
Chen YH, Keller J, Kang JH, Lin HC.* The Association between Traumatic Brain Injury and the Subsequent Risk of Brain Cancer. Journal of Neurotrauma. 2012 Apr 10. [Epub ahead of print] (SCI.)
Lin HL, Lin HC, Chen YH.* Increased risks of parkinsonism in the three years after chronic renal failure. The International Journal of Clinical Practice. 2012 May;66(5):499-503 (SCI.)
Chen YH, Rau RH, Keller J, Lin HC*. Possible effects of anaesthetic management on the one year followed-up risk of herpes zoster after caesarian deliveries. British Journal of Anaesthesia. 2012, 108 (2): 278–82. (SCI.)
Huang YH, Kuo CF, Chen YH, and Yang YW. Incidence, Mortality, and Causes of Death of Patients with Pemphigus in Taiwan: A Nationwide Population-Based Study. J Invest Dermatol. 2012 Jan;132(1):92-7
Sheu JJ, Keller J, Chen YH, Wu CS, Lin HC.* No Increased Risk of Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss following Recent Herpes Zoster: A Nationwide Population-Based Study. Acta Otolaryngol. 2012 Feb;132(2):167-72. Epub 2011 Dec 27.
Chen YH, Kang JH, Lin CC, Wang IT, Keller J, Lin HC.* Obstructive Sleep Apnea and the Risk of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2012 Feb;206(2):136.e1-5. 2011 Sep 16 (SCI.)
Chung SD, Chen YK, Chen YH*, Lin HC*. Hyperthyroidism and Female Urinary Incontinence: A Population-based Cohort Study. Clinical Endocrinology 2011 May 27 (SCI)
Tsai MH, Chen YH*, Chen CD, Hsiao CY, Chien CH. Deliberate self-harm by Taiwanese adolescents. Acta Paediatrica. 2011 Nov;100(11) :e223-6. 2011 May 16. [Epub ahead of print] (accepted) (SCI.)
Chen YH, Kang JH, Lin HC*. Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury: Population-Based Study Suggests Increased Risk of Stroke. STROKE. 2011 Oct;42(10):2733-9. 2011 Jul 28. [Epub ahead of print] (SCI.)
Chang CC, Wang IT, Chen YH*, Lin HC* Anesthetic Management as a Risk Factor for Postpartum Hemorrhage after Cesarean Deliveries. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2011 Nov;205(5):462.e1-7. 2011 Jun 25. [Epub ahead of print] (SCI.)
Chen YH, Tsai SY, Lin HC.* Increased Mortality Risk among Offspring of Mothers with Postnatal Depression: A Nationwide Population-Based Study in Taiwan. Psychological Medicine. 2011 Nov;41(11):2287-96. (SCI).
Chen YH, Lin HC.* Increased Risk of Cancer Subsequent to Severe Depression -- a Nationwide Population-based Study. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2011 Jun;131(1-3):200-6. 2011 Jan 15. [Epub ahead of print] (SCI)
Yang YW, Chen YH, Wang CY, Lin HW*. Risk of herpes zoster among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A population-based study. CMAJ. (accepted) The Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2011 Mar 22;183(5):E275-80. Epub 2011 Feb 22. (SCI)
Lin HC, Chen SF, Chen YH*. Increased Risk of Avoidable Hospitalization among Patients with Schizophrenia. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 2011 Mar;56(3):171-8 (SCI)
Chen YH, Chen KY, Sheu JJ, Lin HC.* Non-alcoholic Cirrhosis and the Risk of Stroke: A Five-year Follow-up Study. Liver International. 2011 Mar;31(3):354-60. (SCI)
Chen YH, Chiu WT, Chu SF, Lin HC* Increased Risk of Schizophrenia Following Traumatic Brain Injury: A Five-Year Follow-Up Study in Taiwan. (accepted) Psychological Medicine. 2011 Jun;41(6):1271-1277.
Yang YW, Yang LY, Wang KH, Chen YH, Lin HC.* Increased Risk of Stroke in Patients with Bullous Pemphigoid: A Population-Based Follow-up Study. Stroke 2011 Feb;42(2):319-23. (SCI)
Chen YH, Lin HC, Lin HC. * Poor Clinical Outcomes among Pneumonia Patients with Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin. (accepted) Schizophr Bull. 2011 Sep;37(5):1088-94
Chen YH, Chen PL, Huang WG, Chiou HY, Hsu CY, Chao KY. Association between social climate for smoking and youth smoking behaviors in Taiwan: an ecological study. International Journal of Nursing Studies Int J Nurs Stud. 2010 Oct;47(10):1253-61. Epub 2010 Mar 15
Chang YW, Chen CS, Chen YH, Lin HC*. Psoriasis and Pregnancy Outcomes: A Nationwide Population-based Study. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 2011 Jan;64(1):71-7. (SCI)
Lin HC, Chen YH, Lee HC, Lin HC. Increased risk of acute myocardial infarction after acute episode of schizophrenia: 6 year follow-up study. Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2010 Mar;44(3):273-9.
Kang JH, Chen YH, Lin HC. *. Comorbidity profiles among patients with ankylosing spondylitis: a nationwide population-based study. Ann Rheum Dis. 2010 Jun;69(6):1165-8. Epub 2010 Apr 7.
Huang YH, Yang CH, Chen YH, Chen CH, Lee SH. Reduction in osmidrosis using a suction-assisted cartilage shaver improves the quality of life. Dermatol Surg. 2010 Oct;36(10):1573-7.
Chen YH, Lin HC. * Patterns of Psychiatric and Physical Comorbidities Associated with Panic Disorder in a Nationwide Population-based Study in Taiwan. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2011 Jan;123(1):55-61. 2010 Feb 12.
Kang JH, Chen YH, Lin HC*. Comorbidities Among Multiple Sclerosis Patients: A Population-based Controlled Study. European Journal of Neurology. Eur J Neurol. 2010 Feb 23. [Epub ahead of print]
Tsai MC, Lin HL, Lin CC, Lin HC, Chen YH, Stefani P, Lin HC. Increased risk of concurrent asthma among patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease: a nationwide population-based study. European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology. Volume 22(10), October 2010, pp 1169-117.
Chen YH, Lin HC, Lin HC. Increased Risk of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes among Women Affected by Herpangina. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2010 Jul;203(1):49.e1-7. 2010 Apr 22. [Epub ahead of print]
Sheu JJ, Chiou HY, Kang JH, Chen YH and Lin HC*. Tuberculosis and the Risk of Ischemic Stroke: A Three-year Follow-Up Study. Stroke. 2010 Feb;41(2):244-9. Epub 2009 Dec 24.
Lin HC, Lee HC, Tang CH, Chen YH. The Relationship Between Maternal Schizophrenia and Low Birth weight Is Modified by Paternal Age. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry (accepted) 2010 Jun;55(6):377-85.
Lin HC, Chen IJ, Chen YH, Lee HC, Wu FJ. (2009). Maternal Schizophrenia and Pregnancy Outcome: Does the Use of Antipsychotics Make a Difference? Schizophr Res. 2010 Jan;116(1):55-60.
Yang YW, Tseng KC, Chen YH*, Yang JY.. (2009) Associations among Eczema, Asthma, Serum Immunoglobulin E and Depression in Adults: A Population-Based Study. Allergy. 2010 Jun 1;65(6):801-2 2009 Nov 2. [Epub ahead of print]
Lin HC, Chiu CC, Chen SF, Lou HY, Chiu WT, Chen YH. *. (2009) Ulcerative Colitis and Pregnancy Outcomes in an Asian Population. American Journal of Gastroenterology. Am J Gastroenterol. 2010 Feb;105(2):387-94. Epub 2009 Oct 6.
Chen YH, Chiou HY, Tang CH, Lin HC* (2009) Risk of Death by Unnatural Causes During Early Childhood in Offspring of Parents With Mental Illness. Am J Psychiatry. 2010 Feb;167(2):198-205. Epub 2009 Dec 1.
Chen YH, Lin HC, Chen SF, Lin HC. (2009) Increased Risk of Preterm Births among Women with Uterine Leiomyoma: A Nationwide Population-based Study. Hum Reprod. 2009 Dec;24(12):3049-56. Epub 2009 Sep 9.
Kang JH, Ho JD, Chen YH, Lin HC. (2009) Increased Risk of Stroke After a Herpes Zoster Attack: A Population- Based Follow-up Study. Stroke. 2009 Nov;40(11):3443-8. Epub 2009 Oct 8.
Chen YH, Lin HC, Lou HY. (2009) Increased Risk of Low Birthweight, Infants Small for Gestational Age and Preterm Delivery for Women with Peptic Ulcer. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2010 Feb;202(2):164.e1-8.
Chen YH, Yeh CY, Lai YM, Shyu ML, Huang KC, Chiou HY*. (2009) Significant Effects of Implementation of Health-Promoting Schools on Schoolteachers’ Nutrition Knowledge and Dietary Intake in Taiwan. Public Health Nutr. 2010 Apr;13(4):579-88. Epub 2009 Aug 6.
Lin HL, Chen YH, Lin HC, Lin HC. (2009) No Increase in Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes for Women Receiving Antiepileptic Drugs. Journal of Neurology. J Neurol. 2009 Oct;256(10):1742-9. Epub 2009 Jun 30.
Chen YH, Tsai SY, Lee HC, Lin HC. (2009) Increased Risk of Acute Myocardial Infarction for Patients with Panic Disorder: A Nationwide Population-based Study. Psychosom Med. 2009 Sep;71(7):798-804. Epub 2009 Jul 10.
Chen YH, Lin HC, Lee HC. (2009) Pregnancy Outcomes among Women with Panic Disorder - Do Panic Attacks during Pregnancy Matter? J Affect Disord.
Chen HM, Chen SF, Chen YH, Lin HC. (2009) Increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes for women with migraines: a nationwide population-based study. Cephalalgia. 2010 Apr;30(4):433-8. 2009 Jul 9. [Epub ahead of print]
Wen JC, Liu TC, Chen YH, Chen SF, Lin HC, Tsai WC. (2009) No increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes for women with myasthenia gravis: a nationwide population-based study. Eur J Neurol. 2009 Aug;16(8):889-94. Epub 2009 May 22.
Lin HC, Chen SF, Lin HC, Chen YH.* (2009). Increased Risk of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in Women with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Nationwide Population-based Study. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. Ann Rheum Dis. 2010 Apr;69(4):715-7. Epub 2009 Apr 29.
Chen YH, Hu CJ, Lee HC, Lin HC. (2009) An Increased Risk of Stroke among Panic Disorder Patients: A Three-year Follow-up Study. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Can J Psychiatry. 2010 Jan;55(1):43-9.
Chen YH, Chiou HY, Lin HC, Lin HL. (2009). Affect of seizures during gestation on pregnancy outcomes in women with epilepsy. Archives of Neurology. 2009 Aug;66(8):979-84.
Lin HC, Chen YH*, Lee HC. (2009). Prenatal Care and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes among Women with Schizophrenia: A Nationwide Population-based Study in Taiwan. J Clin Psychiatry. 2009 Sep;70(9):1297-303.
Chen YH, Chen SF, Lin HC, Lee HC.*.(2009). Healthcare Utilization Patterns Before and After Contact with Psychiatrist Care for Panic Disorder. J Affect Disord. 2009 Dec;119(1-3):172-6. Epub 2009 Mar 10.
Chen CH, Chen YH, Lin HC, Lin HC.*. (2009). Association between physician caseload and patient outcome for sepsis treatment. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2009 Jun;30(6):556-62.
Chen YH, Lee HC, Lin HC*. (2008) Prevalence and Risk of Atopic Disorders Among Schizophrenia Patients: A Nationwide Population Based Study. Schizophrenia Research. 2009 Mar;108(1-3):191-6. Epub 2009 Jan 25.
Chen YH, Lin HL, Lin HC* (2008) Does Multiple Sclerosis Increase Risk of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes? A Population-based Study. Multiple Sclerosis. Mult Scler. 2009 May;15(5):606-12. Epub 2009 Mar 24.
Liao MN, Chen PL, Chen MF, Chen SC, Chen YH. Supportive Care for Taiwanese Women with Suspected Breast Cancer during the Diagnostic Period: Effect on Healthcare and Support Needs. Oncol Nurs Forum. 2009 Sep;36(5):585-92.
Chen YY*, Farris GF, and Chen YH. (2008). Effects of Technology Cycles on Strategic Alliances. International Journal of Technology Management, Forthcoming issues.
Chen YH, Lee HC, Lin HC* (2008). Mortality among psychiatric patients in Taiwan: Results from a universal National Health Insurance program. Psychiatry Research (Psychiatry Res.) 2010 Jun 30;178(1):160-5. Epub 2010 May 8.
Chen PL, Chiou HY, Chen YH* (2008). Chinese version of the Global Youth Tobacco Survey: cross-cultural instrument adaptation. BMC Public Health. 2008 Apr 30;8:144.
Hsieh YC, Hung CT, Lien LM, Bai CH, Chen WH, Yeh CY, Chen YH, Hsieh FI, Chiu HC, Chiou HY, Hsu CY. A significant decrease in blood pressure through family-based nutrition health education program among community residents in Taiwan. Public Health Nutr. 2009 Apr;12(4):570-7. Epub 2008 Jun 19.
Chen YH, Chiou HY, Chen PL*. The Development of a Chinese Version of the Tobacco Use Subscale of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). Prev Med. 2008 Jun;46(6):591-5. Epub 2008 Feb 14.
Chen YH, Yeh CY, Chen RY, Chien LC, Yu PT, Chao KY, Han BC* Moving Towards People’s Needs for Smoke-Free Restaurants: Before and After a National Promotion Program in Taiwan, 2003-2005.Nicotine and Tobacco Research. (Accepted).2009 May;11(5):503-13.Epub 2009 Apr 8.
Huang KC*, Lu N, Hsu YH, Sheu ML, Yang CM and Chen YH (2009). Coping with National Health Insurance: Strategic behaviours of Taiwan’s hospitals”. The Service Industries Journal, June, 29 (4). SSCI
Chen YH, Arria A, & Anthony J. (2003) Firesetting in Adolescence and Being Aggressive, Shy, and Rejected by Peers: New Epidemiologic Evidence from a National Sample Survey. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. (31), 44-52. SSCI
Chen YH, Hsiao YW, Lee PS, Liu YH. (2002) Personality Profiles of Medical Students at Taipei Medical University: Results from the Lai Personality Instrument. New Taipei Journal of Medicine. 4(3):193-204.
Minkovitz CS, O'Campo P, Chen YH, Grason HA. (2002) Associations Between Maternal and Child Health Status and Patterns of Medical Care Use. Ambulatory Pediatrics. 2 (2);83-90.O'Campo P, McDonnell K, Gielen A, Burke J and Chen YH (2002).Surviving physical and sexual abuse: what helps low-income women?. Patient Education and Counseling.(46):205-212.
2022 International Conference on Child Development and Family Studies- 2022年9月30日-10月1日 (國立臺灣師範大學)
- 發表者:Ming-Lun Zou, Yi-Hua Chen, Ling-Chu Chien, Yu-Chun Lo, Hsing Jasmine Chao*
- 發表題目:Association between living environment and six-month-old children’s development in the Greater Taipei area.
- 專題討論 / 口頭報告 Parallel Session
2022 International Conference on Child Development and Family Studies- 2022年9月30日-10月1日(國立臺灣師範大學)
- 發表者:Pairote Chakranon, Hsing Jasmine Chao, Ling-Chu Chien, Yu-Chun Lo, Yi-Hua Chen*
- 發表題目:The effects of maternal positive and negative mental health on children’s healthy lifestyles at 2 years old.
- 專題討論 / 口頭報告 Parallel Session
International Occupational Health & Occupational Medicine Conference(OHEOMC2021)
- 23-25 April, 2021 in Taipei, Taiwan
- Wanda Estinfort and Yi-Hua Chen*.
- Title: Maternal mid-pregnancy life satisfaction, birth outcomes and child development at 1 and 2 years old.
- Oral presentation
- 2020年10月17-18日 國立臺灣師範大學圖書館校區
- 主題:因應新興傳染病的公共衛生思維與對策
- 發表者:黃主惠、楊舜閔、陳怡樺*
- 發表題目:雙親孕產期憂鬱及幸福感與幼兒健康行為之關係:長期追蹤型研究探討
- 口頭報告
智慧型裝置與注意力不足過動症關聯性探討──愛閱讀與活動的孩子大不同? (111-2813-C-038-052-B)
北醫公共衛生學系 陳佳昀
大學生Instagram使用與主觀幸福感之關係-心理韌性之影響為何? (111-2813-C-038-054-B)
北醫公共衛生學系 林宛蓁
親子生物同步性對孩子身心發展之影響:以頭髮皮質醇做為生物標記探討 (110-2813-C-038-136-B)
北醫公共衛生學系 黃冠凱
幼兒睡眠環境營造與成長發展之關係:住家綠地的影響為何? (109-2813-C-038-045-B)
北醫醫務管理學系 吳筱妍、蘇靖惠
負面童年經驗對自身產後情形與孩童健康發展之影響:母親與父親有所差異嗎?(109-2813-C-038-044-B)北醫公共衛生學系 黃品嘉
學前幼童行動裝置使用的影響因子:對數位時代兒童之健康發展衝擊為何?(108-2813-C-038- 062-B)
北醫公共衛生學系 吳心懿
養兒方知父母恩?—孕期夫妻心理因素與照護需求對父母老年照護安排之相關性研究 (107-2813-C-038- 102-B)
北醫公共衛生學系 蔡韙伊 何緗琪